3 Keys to Unlock the Doors to a Better Life

christopher roberts
3 min readFeb 2, 2022

Your Daily dose of Personal Development

A great majority of us dream of a better life. And I am going to share from what i’ve seen to be the biggest holt in achieving those dreams.

Before I dive into it, I am going to point out the fact that everyone essentially has equal opportunity. Some may be born into better circumstances but that doesn't determine the outcome of their life. And in saying that there are incredible thing achieved every single day by a fellow human being.

That human being has had the exact same time as you, the only difference is “their intentions”

Key #1


99% of the historical privileges we have today were achieved through intention. Without it, we don’t have anything notable to pursue.

Sometimes having something to pursue may be nerve wrecking, because we expose ourselves to disappointment. But I assure you the only thing that can go wrong with having a clear intention, is that intention may lead you to a new intention, which in turn benefits your life and adds experience.

who are you to doubt your capabilities? Because I can guarantee you have achieved every single thing you've ever put your mind to. And if you haven't then I would agree that you didn't actually put your mind to it.

Key #2


Nobody in this world would trade time for something they didn't think would be achievable, and that's where most people go wrong they can actually achieve it. They just don't create the belief systems required to actually begin to pursue that intention.

You are not born with Beliefs, you create them as you go through life. A majority of people don't see the magic of who they actually are. I challenge you to recognise some beliefs you have created for yourself and question how they are currently impacting your choices in life.

Key #3


with intention and belief an ordinary human being is capable of the most amazing things imaginable. and anything is possible in your life. I have spent years speaking to and researching thousands of ordinary people that not only was born into apprehensive adversity, lived mediocre lives for years before they realised there beliefs about their dreams were compromised.

No matter what you achieve in life, you are still alive.

I believe that life itself is a window of opportunity and it's such an opportunity that I am not going to waste my time not appreciating it, every achievement that follows life itself is just an added bonus.

Your life cannot be misused if you create your intention for it, beliefs supporting that intention, and that you keep close to your heart the understanding you have already won.

I was lucky enough to find these principles a few short years earlier and have since then, my life and what I thought was possible has completely evolved.

I am excited to share with the world my first book available for pre-order it's called The Magic Carpet Concept — The Ancient Magic Of Goal Setting



christopher roberts

7–8–9 Figure business growth consultant Founder and CEO of Impact Era Media Author and keynote speaker