The Real Money Mindset — And How to Actually Get One

christopher roberts
3 min readFeb 14, 2022

mindset is everything, but how can mindset be explained in a way that's understood?

The concept of colour to you is understood. But how can you explain the concept of colour to someone who has worn a blindfold for their entire life?.

The truth is that you can't, you first have to take off the blindfold and learn as you go. The way people approach wealth creation is always wrong and its starts in the mind. its perceived as such a big achievement therefore too much emphasis is placed upon it.

People want the quick and easy way to make money, but they are approaching it before they take off the blindfold therefore they don't really know what they are trying to make.

You can't understand colour until the blindfold is off, and you can't make money until your mind is right.

I have identified where people go wrong.

If you approach making money with a desperate mindset, you won't do it. The shift in the mind has to go from “I need to make money” to “I will make money” and the way you think of it WILL change and your process of thought will change. You no longer approach wealth creation from a mind of scarcity but from a place of excitement.

It doesn't seem like it will make a difference but it will.

Ideas flow better, your daily energy is more ecstatic, More importantly you are creating behaviour patterns that will last a lifetime. if easier to act towards something you believe to be true then something you are just hoping will happen.

If you know the money is coming, you feel it. it's exciting, if you are desperately trying to make it, it's a struggle. It's the simplest mindset shift that affects more than just your finances, it effects the quality of your life.

Big money makers, are taught to recognise long term opportunities, and you can't make big money unless there is ongoing commitment dedicated to making that happen. And if I have a business opportunity with someone, if I see any signs of desperation it signals a red flag and I will shy away from dealing with that person.

Change how you feel about it

If you can download into your brain the absolute belief that it will come, your behavior will change, you will act in accordance to your beliefs. and the chances that you are alive right now is 100,000,000 less likely then you making a figure $20,000,000.

If you don't believe it, your energy goes somewhere else… So believe in it.

where should you start?

Tap into your subconscious mind and start messing with your old belief systems about your ability to make money.

Religiously write down 2 times a day how much money your gonna make and how money is on its way to you. This will not magically make you money but it will definitely stimulate your mind in a none desperate way about how your gonna do it. which is the most important thing. again desperate thinking is limited thinking.

2–3 weeks of this your whole subconscious mind will believe it is coming, that's when you tap into a part of your mind you may have never experienced before. the things you will end up doing WILL lead you to your goals.
I can spend the next 20 minutes writing exactly how you can make your first 1 million but you'll never do it while the blindfold is on.

You will guide yourself from here, and I know this works because I went from broke to generating $2.1 million with no business experience in just 12 months with no business experience. It took me a month to believe it, and 8 months after I believed it my account rang and told me that I had made my first $1million.

the mind is where it starts not the strategies you learn.



christopher roberts

7–8–9 Figure business growth consultant Founder and CEO of Impact Era Media Author and keynote speaker