What Earning My First Million Dollars Taught Me About Money

christopher roberts
3 min readFeb 5, 2022

The elusive truth People need to learn about money


You can't make money, money is already made, and each year more money is dumped into the economy. Money is in constant circulation throughout our local and global economy. And the thing people need to understand is how to create a funnel that leads portions of that circulation right to you.

For most of my life I never dreamed of having money, it seemed like such an impossible task to obtain it. But the truth is, it's just numbers on a screen.

They say if you've made a million dollars once before you can do it again, and it's true, it's such a simple process, the hard thing to do is reframing your perspective about it.

99% of people are actively trying to make money and that where I went wrong for so long, to earn a million dollars you have to focus on something completely different. You HAVE to look at where the MONEY is coming from. If all your trying to do is make money, you open yourself up to be leveraged.

It's hard to understand but your TIME is what high net worth people tend to look for. they are trying to make time, and you are trying to make money. they give you what you want, and you give them what they want. They want the time of people with a certain skill set relative to the service they offer.

So, how can you use this information practically?

If someone is willing to pay you $65 per hour for your services, it means that your time is more valuable to them then the money they are paying you. Why??? there is something they know that you might not.

There investment on you always has a ROI, and if you weren't worth at least 30% more than what they were paying you then you would not have a job

It's a perspective shift…simple, yet hard to envision before you get started. At first you will spend a lot of time before you start seeing a return… but, what goes around comes around.

What did I do?

I learned that I needed to leverage time. I was only capable of working 12 hours a day maximum, witch would have taken me 10 years to make a million dollars. So, I figured out if I needed to make 7 figures in under a year, I needed to fit 100 hours of service in each day. And that's what I did.

I found a service that was in demand, I looked for the very people who directly needed that service, I created a network of professionals in that niche who were looking for opportunity. pretty soon I had a flood of demand for people who needed my services. And I had the network available to fulfil it.

I started that business 4 years ago with no money, I needed to negotiate payment terms with each client to ensure I would get paid before I was due to pay my employee. I continued to grow like this for the next 8 months to receive a random phone call from my accountant informing me that I have made my first 1 Million dollars in revenue.

When I look at an investment I am looking to buy I don't see dollar value, I see the time.

Your income is a reflection of the time value that you are providing. But since I've learned what i've learned I have stopped trying to upskill myself… instead, I look to create opportunities.

Not everyone wants to create a business, businesses come with it uncertainty and you require a level of faith in the universe to cope with the ups and downs with it. fear of losing what you do have or fear of looking bad.
I say life's too short to care about what could go wrong and the chance it could go right is worth the risk.

Anything is possible fam!



christopher roberts

7–8–9 Figure business growth consultant Founder and CEO of Impact Era Media Author and keynote speaker